If you want to buy any product from abroad, it will require a formal import process to bring it legally into Mexico. DPI has alliances with professional and trustworthy forwarders, shipping lines, and Customs Agents, we can take care of the entire process of negotiation, confirming P.O., coordination payments, buying products, arrange booking and shipping, handling customs clearance process, and deliver to client’s warehouse.

We offer 2 different modalities depending on the type of client:

Using our Import License

DPI will act as a trading company; DPI will be the buyer and importer and will make all payments directly from its bank accounts. All documents, labeling and import declaration will be issued under DPI’s legal name.

Using Client's Import License

If client already has import license, DPI will act as Consultor. DPI will still be coordinating the whole process, but client has a say on which forwarder or customs agent to use; and in this case All documents, labeling and import declaration will be issued under client’s legal name

The process


Fabricante chino produce la mercancía

Flete Marítimo / Aéreo

El transportista contratado lleva la mercancía de puerto origen a aduana destino

Proceso de importación

Agente Adunal presenta documentación y mercancía para despacho

Entrega al clienten

Se envía el producto de puerto a la bodega del cliente

1. Interview

Will chat with client to understand what they need.

2. Sourcing

DPI will find and negotiate with potential suppliers

3. DDP Pricing

DPI will quote shipping, import tariffs, clearance procedures, etc. and estimate DDP pricing.

4. Viability Analysis

DPI entrega propuesta (incluyendo costos de importación).
El cliente evalúa y decide si hará la compra.

8. Delivery

DPI will arrange delivery to client’s warehouse

7. Import Procedures

DPI will coordinate Import Clearance Procedures & Destination Port Maneuvers

6. Shipping

DPI will coordinate shipping

5. Pre-Shipment Inspection

DPI will do QC to confirm all is OK with product.