Ensure the quality and compliance of the orders you place with your manufacturers or suppliers, minimize the risk of getting defective or wrong products; hire our Inspections Services and one our Expert Inspectors will visit the warehouse to check the cargo and report any findings.

We offer 3 types of inspection; you can choose the one (s) that better suits your needs:

First Run (Production) Inspection (FRI/DUPRO)

  • Our inspector will visit the factory when production reaches 20%-80%.

  • Inspector will verify that the product complies with the quality, dimensions, materials, colors and other requirements promised by the supplier.

  • A report will be delivered to inform about the state of production and the quality and characteristics of the merchandise.

  • Report delivery time: Max. 5 business days after inspection.

  • Client will learn if supplier will deliver on time and / or if the products comply with what was agreed upon, and if not, ask the supplier to make the necessary corrections.

  • Requirements for contracting: address and contact information of the factory, Technical Sheet of the product(s), Purchase Order

Download a Sample Report here:

Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI)

  • Our inspector will visit the factory when the production is 80%-100% finished to sample the product.

  • With this inspection, you guarantee that the merchandise matches the P.L. and P.O.

  • In case defects are identified, it gives the customer the opportunity to request corrections or modifications before shipment.

  • Inspector will review and verify: quantities, specifications, quality, labeling, packaging, colors, dimensions and other aspects requested by the client.

  • In the case of machinery, its proper functioning is verified.

  • Report delivery time: Max. 5 business days after inspection.

  • Requirements for contracting: address and contact information of the factory, Technical Sheet of the product(s) (optional), Purchase Order or Proforma Invoice and Packing List.

Download a Sample Report here:

Inspection During Container Loading (CLI)

  • Our inspector will visit the factory and be present while the cargo is being loaded into the container

  • Photos will be taken of the product being loaded into the container and until the container is closed and padlocked.

  • Inspector will report on wheter the quantities and the product loaded are consistent with the Packing List (P.L.).

  • If the supplier allows it, some boxes may also be opened to sample and test the product.

  • Report delivery time: Max. 5 business days after inspection.

  • Requirements for contracting: address and contact information of the factory, Technical Sheet of the product(s) (optional), Purchase Order or Proforma Invoice and Packing List.

Download a Sample Report here: